Building Wealth Workbook – Part 1 – Introduction

You can create personal wealth. It’s possible to meet your financial goals. By choosing to budget, save and invest, you can pay off debt, send your child to college, buy a comfortable home, start a business, save for retirement and put money away for a rainy day. Through budgeting, saving and investing, and by limiting the amount of debt you incur, all these goals are within your reach.

Defining Wealth

Some people consider themselves wealthy because they live in a very expensive house and travel around the globe. Others believe they are wealthy simply because they’re able to pay their bills on time. What we are talking about here is financial wealth and what it means to you. In the following space, write your definition

Wealth is…
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________

Examples: Wealth is…
1. Being able to put my kids through college.
2. Having enough money to buy a house.

Build wealth

Now that you have defined what wealth means to you, how do you acquire it?

Building wealth requires having the right information, planning and making good choices. This workbook provides basic information and a systematic approach to building wealth. It is based on time-honored principles you probably have heard many times before-budget to save; save and invest; control debt; and protect the wealth you accumulate.

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